
Australia Considers Adult Game Rating

pso2 RMTThe nation of Australia has always had a puzzling relationship with censorship. While the culture of the nation seems to exhibit burliness and masculine self-sufficiency, when it comes to matters of violent art, manly Aussies seem content to have their government play Nanny-state and protect them from from those bad, evil, violent video games. You\'d think a nation that began as a prison colony would be able to handle pretend violence in made-up video games, but apparently not.Recently, though, the Australian government released a rt where it at least considered the idea of allowing adults to play whatever games they want. It\'s a step in the right direction: The report acknowledges that many adults play video games, so maybe a government essentially banning games because children shouldn\'t play them isn\'t really fair or useful.The document lists the pros and cons of changing the video game classification system so it\'s more like Australia\'s film rating board. To sum up the arguments:Pro Adult Rating: A lot of adults play games.Anti Adult Rating: "What about the children??"Of course the arguments on both sides go much more in-depth than that, including this uniquely Australian argument:An R 18+ for computer games would exacerbate problems associated with access to high level material in Indigenous communities and by other non English speaking people.Racist much, Australia?Before there can be any change in game ratings in Australia, administrative, governmental hoops must be jumped through, and the public is encouraged to weigh in on the matter. If you\'re Australian, take the time to fill out your comments here!The public of Australia is encouraged to add their own comments. If you\'re Australian, weigh in, by all means.Sourceファンタシースターオンライン2 RMT

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